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Embrace Female Empowerment on National Women's Day

Embrace Female Empowerment on National Women's Day
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
4 years ago / 5 min read

In spite of the heavy attention Mother’s Day gets, it isn’t really a fair holiday for women in general. Not all women are mothers, and some might not have a mother in their life that can be celebrated. If you happen to be one of those that prefer to avoid Mother’s Day altogether, then August 9th and National Women’s Day can be a day of redemption. There are plenty of reasons why you deserve to be celebrated, adored, and respected, but you probably don’t need us to remind you of them. Instead, you want to know what you can do to make your special day eventful and memorable. We’ve got you covered.

Pal Up With Your Favorite Female

While some are automatically going to turn to their mother for their celebration, you should get your party started in a different direction. Let’s be honest. Moms already have their own holiday, and there plenty of amazing women out there who can’t or don’t have children or who don’t really owe their success to their mom. Pick one of your female pals to spend your celebration with. Since August 9th is on a Sunday, you probably don’t have to worry about work schedules getting in the way. Just decide to have some quality girl time with someone that totally gets you. There are tons of bonding experiences you can try, but to really push the bounds of your potential, try something you’ve never done before. It’s doesn’t have to be crazy, but with the two of you together, it will probably end up that way.

Honor Your Mentor

Celebrating your mentor is one way to really show what National Women’s Day is about. In a world where role models have typically been athletes and entertainers, singling out that one female who helped create who you have become is important. Find a way to add value to your mentor’s life. Whether it be taking them out for coffee, dropping by with a dessert, or mailing her a card, let your important female connections know how they have empowered you. If your female icon is no longer around or it is someone that you can’t physically contact, consider making a donation to their favorite charity as a way to say thank you. It is important for women to honor one another, as these peers are the ones in the trenches with you trying to make the world a better place.

Invest in Your Future

You may have come a long way in your life, but there is probably still so much more you want to do. Part of embracing the female empowerment idea is giving yourself opportunities to increase your potential. Even if you don’t do on National Women’s Day, sign yourself up for a class on something you have always wanted to learn. Take a tour of an art museum or get a session with a personal trainer. Spending both time and money on yourself is a way to invest in your future. Expand your knowledge of the world around and allow yourself to experience new things. This gives you a more global perspective that creates stimulating conversations and leaves with you skills that can pass on to others.

Attend a Women’s Event

Because of the popularity of the holiday, there is sure to be an event held in a major city near you. Concerts, art exhibitions, and networking mixers are a great way to connect with other women or feed their enthusiasm for life. A lot of the events are designed to raise awareness of current events that are impacting females around the country and around the world. These events give you a better understanding of the challenges faced by your peers and how you can help. Whether it be through financially supporting certain organizations, giving your vote to certain candidates, or stepping in and volunteering, you should keep an open mind about how you can help the female family.

Look for Satisfaction

At the end of the day, or even at the beginning, you should make sure your life is full of pleasure and satisfaction. Too often the bedroom routine leaves women without their needs met, and on a Women’s Day, what better time than to explore a more satisfying sex life? Though you can use different products to increase sexual satisfaction specifically on August 9th, you shouldn’t ignore your sex life for the rest of the year. You need to be empowered to talk about what your body wants and like in the bed, opening up to your partner about ways to make your sexual encounters more pleasurable. There is always room for improvement, and maybe, on August 9th, you decide to take control in the bedroom.

As National Women’s Day, it doesn’t matter what your matronly background may be in order to get recognition. The day is a holiday for celebrating women. Ditch the boring, supper-time toasts and after-dinner drinks and make Women’s Day all about you and your fellow females with these celebratory ideas.

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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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