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to many practical and delicious recipes for your diet!
GET STARTED Prescribed via Digital Physician Visit If Medically Appropriate
Carbs: 30 - 40 grams
Protein: 100 grams
Fat: 9 grams
Total Calories: Up to 800 calories.
Total Carbs - Fiber = Net Carbs
The term "net carbs" simply refers to carbs that are absorbed by the body. Whole foods contain naturally occurring fiber. Therefore, you can simply subtract the fiber from the total carbs to get the net carbs.
Example: 1 medium avocado has 17.1 grams of total carbs, 13.5 grams of which is fiber. 17.1 grams - 13.5 grams = 3.6 grams of net carbs.
Your daily protein goal is not the same as your daily lean meat goal.
How much lean meat should you consume? 1 ounce of lean meat has about 7 grams of protein. 140 grams of protein divided by 7 is 20, so you should eat 20 ounces of lean meat per day.
Keep in mind that cooked meat weighs less than raw meat. For example, 4 ounces of raw chicken breast shrinks down to 3 ounces once it's cooked, so for best results, weigh the meat raw.
You should eat between 1,500-2,000 calories per day for the first two days. The best types of food to consume on loading days are high-fat foods while keeping carbs to a minimum.
Examples: Steak, beef, pork, salmon, cheese, olives, olive oil, avocado, nuts, nut butters, butter, dairy, and seeds.