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Enclomiphene vs Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Enclomiphene vs Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
1 year ago / 4 min read

As a selective estrogen receptor modulator medication, Enclomiphene is used to treat hypogonadism in men with low testosterone. It is also used to treat infertility in women. However, another medication shows promise for the treatment of low testosterone in men. That is testosterone replacement therapy or TRT. 

But is one of these therapies better than the other? How can these two methods benefit you? Read on to find out. 

According to The Cleveland Clinic, low testosterone is a condition where the testicles do not produce “enough testosterone.” This condition can be the result of a number of factors, including injury to one’s testicles, testicular conditions, or problems that affect the hypothalamus or pituitary gland. 

Testosterone decline can be due to a number of factors, and unfortunately, a decline in testosterone is inevitable. 

Of course, it’s important to remember that women are impacted by testosterone levels as well. Testosterone in women impacts breast and fertility issues.  

According to experts, testosterone levels begin to decline with age—a fact that troubles many men. Testosterone levels decline by one to two percent each year, and this dip in testosterone begins to pick up momentum after a man turns 40. Roughly 39 percent of men age 45 and above develop low testosterone as a result of advancing age. Testosterone levels in men tend to fluctuate based on a number of factors, such as protein levels and thyroid function.

Declining testosterone levels can lead to a number of problems, such as a lower sex drive. This is where Enclomiphene and testosterone replacement therapy come into play. Both of these have the potential to affect your body’s functioning. Advancing age in itself leads to multiple changes, including an increasing amount of oxidative stress on the body. As time goes by, this leads to impaired testicular function.


If you are seeking a solution to declining testosterone levels, it is important to explore two popular treatments for declining testosterone levels. Enclomiphene is a medication used to increase serum total testosterone levels and keep sperm counts within normal range for men who have secondary hypogonadism.  

Available under the brand name, Androxal, Enclomiphene comes in both capsule and liquid form. Enclomiphene is effective and has been found to raise testosterone levels in men with hypogonadism. The efficiency of this drug is as effective as topical testosterone. This medication increases LH and FSH levels. 

Of course, all medications come with potential side effects. Side effects of Enclomiphene include the following:

  • Acne

  • Increased temper

  • Increased libido

There are other possible side effects of this medication. Your doctor can provide you with information about other potential side effects. Also be aware that some drugs interact with Enclomiphene. You should not take this medication if you are “allergic to enclomiphene” or any ingredients that this drug contains. 

Pregnant women should not take Enclomiphene, as science has found it provides no benefit to this demographic. It is unknown if Enclomiphene can be passed through human milk. Because of this, pregnant women should exercise caution when considering taking Enclomiphene. According to PubMed, Enclomiphene is described as a “non-steroidal estrogen receptor antagonist” whose purpose is to encourage the testes to produce gonadotropin that the testes produce.

According to experts, Enclomiphene is an alternative to Testosterone replacement therapy or TRT. While helping your body to produce natural testosterone, Enclomiphene comes with a number of benefits. It does not come with the detrimental side effects associated with other treatments. The unique thing about Enclomiphene is that it helps you maintain your sperm count, while addressing a host of other issues. 

Enclomiphene boosts LH and FSH levels and blocks estrogen, a hormone required to preserve reproductive and sexual health. Estrogen is predominantly a female hormone whose levels vary in menopause. 

According to publications, Enclomiphene is an oral medicine that comes without significant side effects. Enclomiphene comes from a drug class called Selective estrogen receptor modulators or SERMS. SERMs are essentially hormonal remedies that treat conditions, such as menopausal symptoms, breast cancer, and osteoporosis in women who have gone through menopause. Other examples of SERM medications include Tamoxifen or Soltamox and raloxifene or Evista.

Enclomiphene comes in doses of 12.5 milligrams and 25 milligrams. Your doctor is most likely aware of any potential problems you can expect when you take this medication. He or she can advise you and inform you of any problems that may impact your individual situation. There are currently no documented severe interactions with other drugs. 

However, Enclomiphene has “moderate interactions” with a number of other drugs. Experts assert that Enclomiphene interacts moderately with a minimum of 71 medications and interacts mildly with 101 other drugs. Because of this, it is advisable that you do your research to make sure Enclomiphene does not interact with other drugs you are taking. Enclomiphene’s metabolism is increased when it is taken with Abatacept.

Additionally, Enclomiphene’s metabolism is slowed when it is taken in conjunction with Abiraterone or Acebutolol. Enclomiphene’s metabolism can also be compromised if it is taken alongside Adagrasib. Enclomiphene is also believed to interact with Almotriptan, Aminophenazone, and Amiodarone. 

Enclomiphene helps men improve their fertility and increase testosterone. According to experts, the drug is tolerated well and is actually already part of a drug known as Enclomiphene citrate, which is an isomer or combination of at least two compounds with the same makeup but different atomic arrangements.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is another viable option for men. But what is testosterone replacement therapy or TRT?

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is a method used to restore testosterone levels to a normal level and then reverses the symptoms of low T. Testosterone levels have a significant impact on your overall well-being and lifespan. TRT provides your body with the testosterone necessary to operate properly. 

Having low T increases your risk of developing certain conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes. Low T has also been linked to a number of other chronic health conditions. TRT restores your testosterone levels, returning them to a healthy range. By restoring testosterone levels, low T begins to go away and is replaced with normal testosterone levels. 

It may take a while to find the right dosage of TRT for you. You won’t see results right away. Once you find the right dosage, however, the majority of men see a significant boost in their quality of life, energy, and overall vitality. However, there may be cases when men don’t see a noticeable difference until one to two months after starting TRT.    

So, what are the benefits of TRT? According to experts, TRT is beneficial in many ways. First of all, it takes time for the body to achieve balance, which is also known as homeostasis. There are a number of other benefits of TRT, which include the following:

  • Improved quality of erections

  • Increased libido or sex drive

  • Better sleep quality

  • A healthy appetite

  • Improved cognitive function

  • Increased energy

In the first few months of taking TRT, men typically notice a number of improvements. These include a quick recovery after exercise, better joint and bone health, and the better growth of facial hair. Additionally, many men find that they have a stronger immune system and an increased blood cell production. In addition to this, men typically feel better all around. 

However, all good things come with drawbacks, and TRT is no exception. According to Game Day Health, TRT comes with its own set of risks. Side effects may appear after you have taken this medication for an extended period of time. The side effects of TRT are usually mild to start with. There is a possibility of testosterone levels getting too high with TRT. In the event that this happens, your doctor will adjust your level of testosterone to remedy the problem.

The risk of side effects with TRT is relatively small, but extremely high amounts of it can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, infertility, and gynecomastia.  

Whether you choose Enclomiphene or TRT will ultimately depend on your situation and the advice of your doctor. However, bear in mind that TRT can lead to testicular shrinkage, and in some cases, dependence. There may even be cases where sperm count is compromised. 

Enclomiphene is believed to be very effective when it is taken alone as a monotherapy. It’s important to keep in mind that a number of things, such as SSRIs, can lead to low testosterone. Not everyone needs a high dosage of testosterone to see positive results. Some men only need a small amount of testosterone to accomplish their desired goal. Age also plays a critical role in the effectiveness of Enclomiphene.   

If you suspect that you have low T, it is important to get a blood test that checks your testosterone levels. Because testosterone is the male hormone, it is important to keep it in check. If you suspect a problem such as low T, seek help to find a treatment plan.     



18 Sources

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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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