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How Long Does It Take to Notice Weight Loss?

How Long Does It Take to Notice Weight Loss?
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
2 years ago / 8 min read

If you’re trying to lose weight, you might wonder how long it takes to notice the fact that you’ve lost weight. You won’t see results instantaneously. Weight comes off slowly, but eventually you will see the results you’ve been seeking.

According to My Fitness Pal, it takes about four weeks for your friends to notice that you’ve lost weight. Meanwhile, it takes you six to eight weeks to notice your own weight loss in the mirror. People who don’t see you every day are more likely to notice the fact that you have lost weight. Someone who lives with you is unlikely to notice your weight loss quickly. While many people rely on the scale to see the results of their weight loss, nutrition and fitness specialists recommend using a variety of methods, such as other fitness tracking methods. These include adding more healthy foods to your diet each day. Don’t think of it as simply” eating “diet food.” Eat about five servings of non-starchy vegetables each day, and consume two servings of fruit per day.   

By keeping track of your fruit and vegetable intake, you will have a better idea of when you are going to lose weight. Low calorie foods, such as these tend to speed up the weight loss process.

If you want to see the results of your weight loss, you can measure your waist circumference. This allows you to see if you’re losing fat and how much fat you have lost. To measure your waist circumference, place measuring tape around your waist, and measure around your belly button. Another way to see if you’ve lost weight is to note how your clothes fit. If there are any gaps in your clothes, or if they feel looser, you are probably losing weight. However, it is also important to make sure you’re eating enough.

According to experts, weight loss interventions are sometimes needed to help people achieve their goals. Interventions are often performed in clinical settings, where one gets assistance. However, many people are able to lose weight on their own and without the help of outside actors.  

According to experts, when you notice weight loss will ultimately depend on how much weight you have lost. Weight loss becomes noticeable when you have lost seven percent of your body weight. This is when your body changes, and the effects of losing weight become noticeable. Substantial weight loss typically takes place over several months. However, this can vary, as people have different body compositions. People distribute body weight and body fat differently. Results can also depend on gender and age. Women who have not gone through menopause typically carry weight in their thighs and hips, while men typically gain weight in the belly area. 

Some people may lose weight in their face, while others will see weight loss in their hips and thighs. It all depends on one’s body composition. You must also consider that someone who lost 10 pounds may look different from someone else who lost the same amount of weight. This is all due to the fact that there are so many different body types. Individuals with larger bodies typically see the results of weight loss earlier than individuals with smaller body frames. Large body frames are bodies with a larger skeletal structure. Larger body frames tend to be more dense, bigger, or wider than the typical skeletal frame. Large body types are wider, as a rule. Some people associate a larger body type as being fat, but that is often untrue. Someone with a larger body structure can appear healthy and in great shape. Their body mass index (BMI) may be normal, but they may not look slender. You don’t necessarily need to be skinny to be healthy. 

People can lose considerable amounts of weight, but there is no way to make a large body type look smaller. You can’t make someone with a small body type look larger. It is all a matter of genetics. While achieving a healthy weight is the goal of most people, overall health is sometimes more important than your actual size.

WebMD has a list of tools and resources to help you eat clean and lose weight. Eating clean means consuming whole foods and avoiding convenience foods. You must focus primarily on healthy food. According to experts, it is healthy to lose a total of one to two pounds per week. The Mayo Clinic asserts that you should burn 500 to 1,000 more calories than you consume on a daily basis. If you do this daily, you should begin to see results within a couple of months. People with larger body structures tend to see the results of their weight loss more quickly than those with smaller frames. A larger person’s distribution of weight is different from that of a smaller person.    

For a larger person to see results, they may need to cut 700 to 1,000 calories from their diet each day. However, people who eat less should aim to cut roughly 300 to 400 calories each day. That way, someone with a smaller body frame is not cutting calories to the point that they can’t function efficiently. Someone with a larger frame who creates a large calorie deficit will likely see significant results.

The methods you use to measure your weight have a significant impact on how quickly you notice your weight loss. When you begin a weight loss regimen, the initial weight you drop is typically water weight, so weight loss may slow down after you lose the first few pounds. The scale shows you numbers, so it isn’t the most reliable means to determine that you have slimmed down. By looking in the mirror after the first few months, you will begin to see your body slim down. 

Knowing what to expect in the first few weeks of your weight loss efforts will better prepare you to see results. Within the first three weeks of your diet, you will have more energy. You will also see a decrease in bloating. You will see a definite change when your clothes become looser, and don’t fit as tightly as they used to. This typically happens in the first three weeks of your diet. If your friend and you both lose five pounds, you both will likely look different, because everyone carries weight differently. However, it is important not to feel discouraged, if you don’t lose as much weight as you want to. 

While you may see that you’ve lost a little weight through your appearance, you are likely to see the most dramatic results by week four and thereafter. After week four, changes in your weight will be more noticeable. After losing 10 pounds, most women can expect to go down one size. Men, on the other hand, tend to go down a size after losing 15 pounds of weight. These numbers are not the same for everyone, and some clothing brands are cut larger than others. Because of this, it can be hard to discern what size will fit you best. Weight loss isn’t an exact science, and sometimes it can be hard to pinpoint exactly how your body is going to change in your weight loss journey. There are different stages of weight loss, and the weight you lose may be the result of multiple factors.

Weight loss can be the result of losing water weight, muscle, or fat. There are typically two stages of weight loss: stage one and stage two. In stage one, you tend to lose weight rapidly. During stage one, your appearance begins to change, due to your weight loss. During this phase, most of the weight you lose comes from water, protein, and carbohydrate stores. Body fat is just a small part of it, and weight loss takes place more quickly in individuals who are also on a keto or low carb diet. However, opinions vary, and some people question whether diet has anything to do with it. However, how much you exercise will also determine how much weight you lose and how your appearance changes.

During stage two, weight loss tends to slow down. At this point, your body primarily burns fat. At some point, you may hit a plateau where you are unable to lose more weight and are simply maintaining your weight. This is usually temporary, however. Plateaus can also be the result of restrictive diets that forbid you from eating foods that are deemed to be “bad.” Sometimes foods can be enjoyed, even though they are bad for you. Having a cheat day to eat something you like is a good way to create some balance and not feel so limited by a restrictive diet. 

It may also help to go on a diet that matches your lifestyle. You should pick a diet that you can commit to and not quit after a short period of time.


13 Sources

Nu Image Medical has strict sourcing guidelines to ensure our content is accurate and current. We rely on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. We strive to use primary sources and refrain from using tertiary references.

On a Diet? Here’s When You’ll Start Noticing Weight Loss | Weight Loss | MyFitnessPal

5 Non-Scale Goals That Are Better Than Weight Loss | Weight Loss | MyFitnessPal 

Assessing Your Weight | Healthy Weight, Nutrition, and Physical Activity | CDC

Effectiveness of a tailor-made weight loss intervention in primary care - PubMed (

Weight Loss & Diet Plans - Find healthy diet plans and helpful weight loss tools (

How Long Does It Take to Start to Notice Weight Loss? | livestrong

Weight loss: 6 strategies for success - Mayo Clinic

How Long Does It Take to Start to Notice Weight Loss? | livestrong

What Are the Stages of Weight Loss? (

Medical Definition of Weight loss (

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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