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6 Tips for Getting Off the Weight Loss Plateau

6 Tips for Getting Off the Weight Loss Plateau
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
3 years ago / 5 min read

It can be tough to achieve weight loss on your own, and you may want to research “medical weight loss near me” if you struggle with following a diet or exercise routine on your own. For many people, the first weeks of their diet are rather productive. The weight comes off more quickly, and your motivation and commitment levels stay high. However, after a while, it seems that the weight refuses to budge. In spite of your best efforts, your weight may stall and hit a plateau. This is highly discouraging, and it is in these moments that it is tempting to give up. With these tips, you can get out of the slump and break out of your weight loss plateau.

Reduce Your Carbs

Many of the most effective diets on the market or promoted by dieticians have an extremely low carb intake. This method has had great success in dropping weight quickly. One study said that consuming 50 grams of carbs of less loses more weight than those who are following a traditional weight loss plan. It can be hard to give up your loaded baked potato or your morning toast, but try to good substitutes. Try mashed cauliflower as a potato substitute, and use whole-grain toast as a better option for breakfast. A lower carb intake helps reduce feelings of hunger too.

Change Up Your Exercise Routine

All successful dieting plans incorporate an increased activity level, but when the loss has stalled, you may need to give your exercise routine a little hold. As you lose weight, your metabolic rate slows down. It seems counter-effective, but for every pound that is lost the body burns 6.8 fewer calories. The lower your metabolism drop, the harder it will be to continue shedding is thought to be the most beneficial for weight loss.

Keep a Food Journal

Tracking what you eat can be a way to understand why your weight might have plateaued. You might think you haven’t eaten much in a day, and you may have not, but the quality of what you have eaten makes a difference. Food journals show just how much you are eating, and they may shed some light on some bad habits. Emotionally eating or mindless eating (such as television snacking) sneak in extra food when you aren’t paying attention, and though it may be a healthy snack, you may underestimating how much popcorn you ate during that intense James Bond movie. Not only should you track your calories, but you should also keep an eye on your carbs, fats, and proteins. Reviewing your intake each day and tracking your entire week lets you know how to adjust going forward.

Fill Up on Protein

By increasing your protein intake, you may be able to jumpstart your weight loss again. Protein can be used to boost your metabolic rate, and it also boosts how many calories are burned. Protein also stimulates the production of the hormone that reduces your appetite and keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time. Since you are also exercising during your diet, you will want a high protein intake to keep you from losing muscle mass.

Manage Your Stress Levels

Remember how emotional and mindless eating can stall your weight loss? Not letting go of stress can do the same thing. For some, stress triggers food cravings and comfort eating. This causes you to overeat or to consume foods that do very little to promote weight loss. However, unmanaged stress also increases the body’s production of cortisol. This stress hormone can increase how much fat is stored in the belly. Overeating and a digestive system that is prone to absorb and store more fat make losing weight that much more difficult. A stress management program, a more active sex life, mediation, or visualization techniques can all help get your body out of the slump.

Give Up Food Now and Then

In the world of dieting, intermittent fasting has become popular. Fasting is a period of time where you go without eating, usually between 16-48 hours. For those who advocate for intermittent fasting, there are a number of reasons behind their position. During periods of fasting, your insulin levels drop significantly and create an environment for increased fat burning. Human growth hormone levels rise and facilitate a more efficient burning of fat and the development of muscle. The cells of the body experience repair processes that help expel waste. You should always speak to a doctor before fasting, especially if you have serious medical conditions. However, some have found that having an extremely low-calorie intake one day and a regular diet the next has similar effects to an intermittent fast.

These six tips can help get your weight moving again. Don’t give up hope. You can still achieve your weight loss goals.

Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging, and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight loss, erectile dysfunction, scream cream, and hair loss (NuDew)

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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