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Relax and Rejuvenate at the Spa - Nu Image Medical®

Relax and Rejuvenate at the Spa - Nu Image Medical®
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
5 years ago / 5 min read

If you find that lifeâs daily rigors make it difficult for you to relax and unwind, you are not alone. Many Americans often feel the impact of stress and anxiety on both mind and body. However, if these feelings begin to affect other areas of your life, it may be time to visit your local spa and book an appointment. If you have never experienced a spa day before, we at Nu Image Medical want to help you realize what to expect and how its treatments can help you looking and feeling your best.

You Can Have Time for Yourself

When you spend time at a spa, it can be important to invest it fully in yourself. Let your friends and family know you have arranged this time for yourself and will not be available. Leave your phone behind or set it on silent, and leave a voicemail and the number of the spa in case of an emergency. If you start to feel guilty, remind yourself that time alone to recharge is vital to your overall health. The fewer interruptions you allow during your spa day, the more rested you may feel by the end of the session.

You Can Try New Hair and Skin Products

As your mind and body try to manage the stress you feel, it may cause changes in your skin and hair. For example, you may experience new acne breakouts, hives, and hair that is either too dry or too oily. Visiting a spa can give you the opportunity to try new products that may help you banish pimples and other skin problems and return the shine and manageability to your hair.

You may want to ask your spa staff about specific products that treat any issues you cannot resolve with supermarket skin or hair brands, such as hair loss. They might be able to identify the problem, offer you some tips about caring for your skin, and recommend products in a way that can take the guesswork out of choosing the brand best suited for you.

Rest and Rejuvenation 

Treating yourself to a spa day can give you time to shift mental gears and leave the worries of the day behind. This type of pause allows for both physical and mental rest, whether you get a massage or spend some time soaking in a hot whirlpool. Some treatments promote rejuvenation for aching muscles and fatigue, while others help you focus inward.

If you experience daily anxiety that disrupts your ability to make choices or makes you feel overwhelmed, a visit to a nearby spa can banish feelings of anxiety with a body wrap or a deep tissue massage. You may feel more mental clarity afterward, which can boost your overall confidence.

You May Look and Feel Younger 

Stress can cause physical changes to your appearance or cause you to lose sleep. Paleness, wrinkles, and dry skin may follow, which may make you feel that you do not look your best. Taking a trip to the spa might help you banish eye bags, crows feet, and other skin problems that can contribute to premature aging.

Combining spa treatments with our anti-aging peptides may give your mood and libido a boost, especially if both are being affected by stress. You may want to ask your doctor about how peptides might improve your health, especially if you are approaching middle age and facing problems with your sex drive and energy levels.

Relief for Aching Muscles 

Daily stress often leads to aches and pains, especially in the neck, shoulders, and back. These areas are where most people carry their stress, but a deep-tissue massage can unlock and release all that negative energy and relieve the pain. Knotted muscles and inflammation can often be soothed with a massage, offering relief that over-the-counter creams and pills usually cannot match,

If you are getting a massage for the first time, you may want to ask the masseuses about any questions or concerns you may have. Some massages require preparation and you may be unprepared for some of the techniques applied to knots or other problem areas of the body. Being prepared can contribute to feelings of relaxation, making the treatment more effective.

Increased Blood Circulation 

Massages and soaks in rejuvenating whirlpools can improve blood flow and return more natural color to your cheeks. These treatments may also open the pores, allowing toxins to escape and improving skin tone. As a result, you might look younger and feel stronger after a spa day.


Life moves incredibly fast, and it can be difficult to find time for self-care. Knowing what a day at the spa can do for you might help you make the most of your precious downtime, even on your busiest days.

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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