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Top Foods That Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Top  Foods That Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
1 year ago / 6 min read

Having low testosterone or low T is a concern for many men, especially for those with hypogonadism. Testosterone is responsible for all aspects of a man’s health, including fertility and physical appearance.

However, there is good news. There are a number of foods that boost testosterone.  Fatty fish, vegetables, and ginger are some of the best foods for boosting testosterone. Testosterone is crucial for sexual function, fertility, bone health, and muscle mass. That’s why it’s so important to make sure you are getting the right amount of testosterone.

According to experts, a man’s testosterone levels decline as he ages. As time goes by, a man’s testosterone decreases by one to two percent each year. This may come as a surprise, especially when couples are having children later in life. However, this steady decline takes its toll on a man’s body. A number of factors, including one’s lifestyle, can affect how much testosterone exists in your body.

Many treatment options are available for men with low testosterone, but making changes to your diet can raise testosterone levels as well.

So, what foods boost testosterone? Health experts assert that many foods have the ability to increase testosterone. 


A 2012 study found that men who took a ginger supplement for three months saw a significant increase in testosterone levels. Taking this supplement increased testosterone levels by 17.7 percent in 75 adult men with fertility problems. Experts have said that taking ginger may also have a positive effect on sperm health.

Studies have also concluded that ginger has the ability to increase not only testosterone, but also antioxidant levels within a period of 30 days. Researchers drew this conclusion from experiments on diabetic lab rats. 


Pomegranates are known for their role in sexual function and the role they play in fertility. Pomegranates are a stress reducing food, experts say, and consuming them has many benefits for men with low testosterone. Pomegranates have the ability to boost testosterone levels in both women and men. Studies assert that you can increase testosterone levels by roughly 25 percent just by drinking pomegranate juice.

Consuming pomegranates may also improve mood and lower your blood pressure. In addition to boosting testosterone, consuming pomegranates has many other health benefits. Researchers have also found that people who consume pomegranates typically have reduced levels of arterial plaque than many others. 

 Pomegranates in themselves are packed with antioxidants and contain three times the number of antioxidants found in red wine and green tea. The antioxidants in pomegranates reduce inflammation, protect cells from damage, and reduce the signs of aging. In addition, pomegranates keep you healthy by reducing blood sugar and lowering blood pressure, according to WebMD


Oysters are yet another food that boosts testosterone. Oysters contain an ingredient called D-aspartic acid, which may help boost testosterone production. Because of this, experts believe that it may also have an effect on sexual arousal. Experts believe that the zinc in oysters may improve sexual health in many ways.

First of all, the zinc in oysters has the ability to raise testosterone levels, while helping to maintain healthy dopamine levels, experts say. Oysters are also good for your heart, because the omega-3 fatty acids they contain improve blood flow. This can help prevent and potentially improve conditions, such as erectile dysfunction. Zinc is essential to healthy sperm production and reproductive health.

Oysters are also believed to improve sexual performance and boost libido. On top of that, they are good for you and provide a host of other health benefits. 

Leafy green vegetables

Leafy greens are great for boosting testosterone. According to experts, leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach contain high amounts of magnesium, a mineral that is believed to increase the body’s natural testosterone. The herb, Fenugreek, is also believed to be effective in increasing testosterone. 

According to Healthline, fenugreek is a medicinal plant that treats a number of problems, including skin conditions and digestive problems. Fenugreek is especially popular, because of its ability to boost testosterone levels. In fact, fenugreek may be used to treat low testosterone. Collard greens may also be consumed to boost testosterone. 

Fatty fish and fish oils are also believed to increase testosterone levels. Herring, salmon, trout, and Atlantic mackerel are also fatty fish that can increase semen quality and testosterone overall. Extra-virgin olive oil also lowers your risk of cancer and heart disease, according to Medical News Today. Studies have found that olive oil may raise testosterone levels in “healthy adult men.”

Plant milk

Plant milk is not the first thing to come to mind when you think about boosting testosterone. However, fortified plant milks may increase testosterone levels, because they contain large amounts of Vitamin D, a vitamin that’s essential to good health. For plant milk to be effective in boosting testosterone, you need to consume it in larger quantities. 


Onions are another great asset for men with low testosterone. According to experts, drinking onion juice for several weeks can significantly increase serum total testosterone levels. It’s a fact that onions increase testosterone levels. However, other sexual benefits have not been confirmed. Many think that onions may influence one’s sexual experience. However, this is not true.


Honey is a great food for anyone who is looking to increase their testosterone levels. Honey contains boron, which can be found in both the environment and food. Boron is known to boost testosterone levels. Because honey contains boron, it may be worth loading up on. Honey also helps you build strong bones and muscles. 

Eggs are another great food for boosting testosterone. Experts agree that in addition to being a great source of protein, eggs are also great for boosting testosterone levels. To see a significant boost in testosterone, you will need to consume one to two eggs per day. 

You may be surprised by what other foods boost testosterone levels. According to experts, shrimp, crab, and muscles are great foods for boosting testosterone, because they contain zinc. Zinc is essential to the healthy production of sperm. 


Having a hearty bowl of cereal in the morning can boost testosterone levels. Cereals that contain wheat bran are extremely effective in boosting testosterone. That is because wheat bran is high in magnesium, a nutrient that is known for its testosterone-boosting abilities. Cereal is especially effective in boosting testosterone, if you work out.

You can put wheat bran on top of other foods, such as baked goods and cereal. Adding wheat bran to your favorite foods is a great way to boost your testosterone levels, while eating a healthy food. 


Beans are another great food to eat if you want to boost testosterone levels. In addition to being packed with fiber, beans are great for weight loss. Carrying around excess weight lowers testosterone levels, because fat cells turn testosterone into estrogen. Chickpeas are a great food that boosts testosterone, while encouraging weight loss. 

Avocados are another great food for boosting testosterone. Avocados naturally contain healthy unsaturated fats that “replace calories” from carbohydrates. This causes testosterone levels to rise. Additionally, avocados are especially efficient in raising testosterone, because they contain magnesium and boron.

While it’s important to know which foods boost testosterone, it also helps to know which foods you shouldn’t eat. If you want to boost your testosterone levels, it is wise to avoid a number of foods. Just about everyone enjoys a sugary treat or processed food now and then. While these foods are tasty, doctors recommend that you avoid processed foods, if you are looking to boost your testosterone.

Processed food has little to no nutritional value, so it’s best to avoid it at all costs. Processed food is also known to lower testosterone levels and compromise testicular function. 

It is also best to avoid canned or packaged foods, experts say. Packaged or canned foods affect hormone levels, which can result in lower testosterone levels. 

Alcohol can be problematic as well. Consuming small amounts of alcohol is okay when done in moderation. However, drinking too much of it can lower fertility in both men and women. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, there is a direct link between low testosterone levels and alcohol consumption.

Drinking too much alcohol can lower your testosterone levels, potentially making it difficult to conceive. It is important that both partners limit alcohol consumption, if you want healthy testosterone and a family. 

It is also important to remember that certain fats have the ability to reduce testosterone levels. Because of this, it is important to consume the right fats. Eating the wrong fats can compromise your testosterone levels. According to experts, polyunsaturated fats are known to damage cells that make testosterone. 

Another thing to remember is that you can boost testosterone in other ways, while eating testosterone-boosting foods. Health professionals recommend that you exercise regularly, build muscle with resistance training, and reduce stress as much as possible. Getting enough sleep will also help you increase testosterone levels.


16 Sources

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