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Vitamin B1, often referred to as Thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin, which is found in many foods including yeast, grains, nuts, cereal, beans, and meat. With this being said, many people suffer from deficiencies of this, and other B-vitamins, due to malnutrition, dietary restrictions (Vegan, vegetarian, etc.), or general health-related immune-deficiencies they suffer from. Because of this, many people supplement Thiamine, and other B-vitamins, to compensate for such deficiencies. Here we’ll detail uses, benefits, how it should be used, what type of supplements work best, and in what dosage, to ensure the best overall results for users.
Read more about Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, acts as an antioxidant in the body. It is responsible for many functions in the body including maintaining healthy blood cells, it is effective in boosting low energy levels, and it helps facilitate a healthy metabolic function/rate. This can help prevent weight gain or difficulties in maintaining your weight, which is often the case in those who are deficient in this water-soluble vitamin. Riboflavin is also linked to helping reduce oxidative stress and the release of free radicals in the systems. This means it can help to fight the signs of aging, it helps fight wrinkles and crows-feet, and it can help get rid of those dark under-eye bags you’ve been using costly creams to treat in the past.
Read more about Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Niacin (or Niacinamide), or Vitamin B3, is one of the many important water-soluble B-vitamins the body needs, to ensure proper function. It is found in many foods you consume daily, and it can be supplemented for those who follow a restrictive diet or live in an area where they don’t have access to certain foods, or deficiencies are common. Foods like tuna, organic meats, fish, mushrooms, and seeds, are typically high in levels of Niacin.
Niacin is a member of the Vitamin-B Complex family (B1, B2, B3, etc.). It has been studied extensively, and positive results have been shown in high volumes in those test subjects. It is beneficial in treating several recurring health conditions and problems, making it a prominent vitamin in the health community, and an all-natural solution to treating certain ailments and conditions.
Read more about Niacin (Vitamin B3) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Pantothenic Acid, often referred to as Vitamin B5, is one of the B-Complex water-soluble vitamins which are found in living cells in the body. As they are naturally found in the body, your body naturally produces them. And, you get a certain amount of Vitamin B5 from the foods you consume and your diet. With this being said, many people rely on a supplement of this, and other B-family vitamins, for the simple fact that their dietary routine simply isn’t enough. Add in the fact that many people have a restrictive diet, and some foods are simply off the table, meaning it is even harder to get the proper levels of the vitamin in on a daily basis. This simple guide will discuss what the vitamin is, does, what it is important for, and where you can get the proper levels of Vitamin B5, to ensure your body functions as it should be.
Read more about Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Vitamin B6 better known as Pyridoxine is one of the water-soluble B-complex family vitamins which is naturally produced in the body, but also requires supplementation in the form of foods or prescribed supplement or injections. It plays an integral role in many bodily functions, both physical and psychological. The B6 vitamin is most known for helping maintain a healthy and viable metabolism. It also helps in healthy liver function, it helps maintain healthy skin and eye health, and it is also a natural supplement which can help boost energy levels; this is in part due to the fact that it metabolizes carbs/fats/proteins, and turns them into a viable source of energy for the body to use.
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Vitamin B7, which is referred to as Biotin in the medical world, is closely linked to healthy skin, nails, and hair. If you are looking for that all elusive fountain of youth, or a natural way to help restore the shine to your hair, and strengthen your hair so it will grow in thick and naturally, you might have just found the all-natural solution you are looking for in B7 vitamins. Like the other B-vitamins in the family, Biotin is water-soluble. It is one of the vitamins, in a key group of vitamins providing key nutrients which are needed for healthy nerve function, healthy metabolic functions, and digestive health. It is also linked to proper cardiovascular functions, to ensure overall health and well-being are achieved.
Read more about Biotin (Vitamin B7) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Vitamin B9, or Folate, is one of the vitamins which is a member of the B-family complex. The water-soluble vitamin is not only responsible for cellular metabolism, it is also imperative for energy production and processing/breaking down the foods we eat each day. Folate is extremely beneficial in both RNA and DNY synthesis. This is important at different stages of human development, and during periods of rapid growth (puberty). Folate is responsible for helping control homocysteine levels. If these get to be too high in the human body, it can lead to several chronic conditions, including heart disease, cancer, depression, and conditions like diabetes.
Read more about Folate (Vitamin B9) Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
Vitamin B12 is something we're all familiar with; it is that vitamin we take to give us the burst of energy when we're fatigued. If you read any food or drink label which claims to give you the "boost," or help "kick the mid-day drag," it is likely that B12 is one of the first ingredients you'll see on the label.
It does so much more than gives you that boost of energy after noon rolls around at the office. In fact, it's critical to many cellular functions in your body; and, even though its contained in some many food/beverage products, it's highly likely you still aren't getting enough!
For B12 to benefit your system, it must go through a series of steps to be fully absorbed in the GI tract. Many hormonal imbalances, including thyroid imbalances, can hinder the absorption rates greatly. So, even though your diet is telling you that you're giving it enough, due to the limited absorption rates, you truly aren't getting enough. This becomes a problem further down the line for those who don't properly metabolize B12 (in lower quality forms), because of the MTHFR gene. Approximately 40% of the population suffers from this issue.
Read more about Vitamin B12 Benefits, Side Effects, Uses & Warnings
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.