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Breakfast is definitely an important meal but you need to be careful about what you eat if you're trying to lose weight. Although there are a lot of healthy food options for breakfast there are an equal number of unhealthy options and if you aren't careful you can end up putting on weight. If you aren't sure what your best options are for a healthy breakfast, try some of these ideas and be sure that you avoid eating a lot of carbohydrates or refined sugar for breakfast. Stick with fruits and vegetables, healthy fat and protein for a high quality and healthy weight loss breakfast and you won't gain weight while getting the health benefits of this important meal.
Whether it is Greek yogurt, whey protein added to a smoothie, eggs, or meat, be sure that you have some sort of protein with your breakfast. It's essential for stabilizing your blood sugar and helping you stay full until your next meal. Not including protein with your breakfast can make a major difference in the healthiness of your breakfast, as a high carbohydrate breakfast without healthy fat or protein will digest quickly and give you a quick boost of energy followed by a drop off. You're much better off making a quick smoothie or otherwise eating something that can keep you full until your next meal, so that you won't have an energy drop off.
The key to a healthy breakfast is to avoid simple sugars and foods like donuts and others that can spike your blood sugar and cause all kinds of metabolic problems and lead to weight gain. A healthy breakfast should never have a lot of sugar. Although there are several breakfast foods that you'll have to avoid like waffles, French toast, and donuts, it is for the best and there are plenty of alternatives in terms of sweet foods like fruits and smoothies that you can use for breakfast meals. Try to avoid most of these foods whenever possible and if you do eat something that is high in simple sugars be sure to limit your portions and to add protein and other foods that can balance out the effects of high sugar.
Researchers have found that the cholesterol in eggs isn't as bad for you as previously thought [1], and most people can eat several eggs each week without having any major health disadvantages. Eggs are a great source of high quality protein and because they're so easy to make and fast, they are a great breakfast option when you're in a hurry. Eating eggs every day doesn't cause heart problems, with the possible exception of those with a familial history of high cholesterol and diabetics. If you have had high cholesterol problems in the past it's advisable to talk to your doctor before you start eating a lot of high cholesterol foods, but most people can add more eggs to their diet without major issues.
Adding grapefruit to your breakfast is a quick and easy way to burn more calories and make your breakfast a lot healthier. Start your breakfast off with a half of a grapefruit and it can reduce the total number of calories that you eat during the meal. Grapefruit also has been shown to have compounds that can burn fat, and it has a beneficial effect on insulin levels. Other citrus fruits like oranges and tangerines are also good options, but grapefruit trumps all of them when it comes to its fiber content and fat burning ability [2].
Nut butters are a good choice for vegetarians and others who don't eat meat and eggs, and they are also a good option for meat eaters as well. They are high in healthy monounsaturated fats which have several health benefits and are thought to reduce your risk of heart disease. The health fats in nut butters like almond or cashew butter also help to stabilize your blood sugar and break down gradually so that you aren't starved during the day. Adding a tablespoon of almond or cashew butter to your breakfast smoothies is a great way to add healthy calories, and it also goes great with several different breakfast fruits like bananas or apples. Be careful about the sugar content of the nut butters that you buy as some add a lot of extra sugar.
Eating berries or other high fiber fruits with your breakfast is an easy way to add more hunger suppressing fiber to your meal, and they are a great choice with several different breakfast foods including oatmeal, smoothies and Greek yogurt. Blueberries and other berries are very low in calories per serving so you can enjoy several servings without having to feel guilt, and as long as you don't add any extra sugar or syrup to them, they won't spike your blood sugar levels. Frozen berries have the same health benefits as fresh berries, and are a great choice for smoothies. They also have very powerful antioxidants that can help fight cardiovascular disease and a wide range of other illnesses. They can also reduce your blood pressure and improver your cognitive function among many other benefits.
Unless you have high cholesterol or need to watch your sodium intake, you can enjoy sausage, bacon and other breakfast meat options without much guilt. A few servings of sausage and eggs are much better for you than donuts or other high carbohydrate breakfast foods. Be careful about the sodium content if you are concerned about high blood pressure, but other than that, breakfast meats like sausage and bacon are a good source of protein that can help you control your blood sugar levels and reduce your appetite before your next meal.
[1] -
[2] -,,20676415_5,00.html
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.