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Masculinity and Your T-Levels

Masculinity and Your T-Levels
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
4 years ago / 8 min read

Testosterone, while a naturally occurring and much-needed sex hormone in males, continually gets a bad rap for causing aggression, impulsivity, road rage, and spurring unsatisfied sex drives. However, the claims behind these accusations are mostly a myth, and testosterone has much to do with other areas of health that many don’t realize. Oddly enough, women also have a need for testosterone, and this isn’t just because they benefit from the healthy supply the men in their lives may have.

The Big T is a Big Player

As the major sex hormone in males, testosterone does more than improve libido and sexual desires. From conception, testosterone is responsible for the development and growth of the penis and testicles, and as puberty hits, it works to deepen the voice and grow facial and pubic hair. It is also crucial for the development of muscle mass, bone growth, bodily strength, sperm production, and sex drive. As a man grows older, testosterone may be an impacting factor of balding. These areas of development are considered earmarks of masculinity, and boys or adolescents who experience too little testosterone may have difficulty growing facial or bodily hair, their voice might not transition normally, and the genitals may not become enlarged. Although testosterone does have some impact on mood, it is not normally the sole culprit of aggressive or angry personalities or behaviors.

Women Need It Too

Many assume testosterone is only found in men, but that is incorrect. There are several male sex hormones found in females, and testosterone is produced in the adrenal gland and in the ovaries. A healthy production or level of testosterone is through to be important for ovarian function, sexual behavior, and bone strength. In females, the key is a proper balance between estrogen and testosterone levels of the ovaries that are going to work properly. There are some studies also showing a link between testosterone levels in females and normal brain functioning in areas of sex drive, mood, and cognitive function.

Uneven T-Levels

Given what people commonly assume about testosterone and men's sexual health, too much or too little testosterone is often blamed for unpredictable sexual performance. Too much takes the blame for sexual promiscuity and an insatiable sexual appetite, while too little is blamed on a lack of interest and a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. While testosterone levels are a potential factor in cases of ED, blaming sexual health problems on testosterone alone is unfair. Products like Mt. Everest are able to help treat men with erectile dysfunction when problems deal with blood flow for erection support and temporary situations of reduced libido, but male hormone therapy is needed when it is uneven T-levels that are jeopardizing more than just a good night in the bedroom.

Too Much Testosterone

Some men may think having too much testosterone would put them at an advantage in areas of masculinity, but having too much is damaging to the body. The body takes cholesterol and synthesizes it into testosterone, a process that is carefully regulated by the pituitary gland and brain. Because of this process, there aren’t many men who naturally have too much testosterone, which helps burst the myths that surround road range, sporting event outbursts, and office destruction rampages. The course of the day will find testosterone levels shifting as well as more noticeable changes over the course of time. Adult males experience about a 1% decrease in T-levels each year starting the late 30s, culminating to about 50% reduced production by the time a man reaches 70.

The opposite problem is having too much testosterone, which is usually associated with bodybuilders or athletes who use anabolic steroids or other hormones to improve their athletic performance or to increase muscle mass. These men may experience low sperm counts, enlarged prostates, liver disease, difficulty urinating, acne, heart muscle damage, headaches, insomnia, and uncharitably aggressive behavior. There is also an increased risk of heart attack and blood clots in men with too much testosterone, while women tend to develop polycystic ovary syndrome.

Therapy and Treatment Options


If your body has been experiencing changes in mood, decreased sex drive, lack of energy, muscle mass retention or development, or changes in body hair production, you may want to consult with your physician about your testosterone levels. Testosterone therapy is currently used for males who experience a delay in puberty and those whose natural production of the hormone is quite low. Regulating levels that are out of balance can help restore strength, cognitive functioning, sexual function, energy, and emotional clarity, although a blood test is needed to diagnose conditions caused by too much or too little testosterone.


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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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