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Male Libido: Finding What is Lost

Male Libido: Finding What is Lost
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
5 years ago / 7 min read

General observations reveal that men tend to display higher sex drives than females, and research supports the idea that male sex hormones are more easily aroused than females. A thriving sex drive or powerful testosterone levels are often seen as signs of masculinity, and when things change and sexual interest decreases, it can affect other areas of life. Men who experience a diminishing interest in sex may become more sedentary and overweight, apathy and depression may sink in, and men remove themselves from social activities or other hobbies that once brought them pleasure. The questions that tend to arise compare sexual desire with sexual energy, as some men still have a desire but lac to the energy to do anything about it. However, studying the contexts or impacting factors on decreased sexual energy can pinpoint possible solutions.

Reasons for Loss of Sexual Vigor

With problems related to men's sexual health, there are usually underlying physical or emotional issues at play. Uncovering the root cause establishes the right form of treatment.

1. Erectile Dysfunction

As men age, they are more susceptible to a condition known as erectile dysfunction or ED. Men experience embarrassment and worry about the judgment they may receive if they are unable to perform sexually, and this can do both physical and emotional damage. Erectile dysfunction deals with a man’s inability to get or keep an erection that is hard enough to achieve satisfaction, spoiling both of the partner’s sexual experience. The emotional impact ruins man’s motivation for intimacy and anxiety or depression zaps the energy of desire. The combination of mental and physical struggles makes a product like Mt. Everest a strong choice for treatment. Not only does it work to physically improve blood flow to the penis and support a sustained, hard erection, it also helps promote the release of the male sex hormones that deal with pleasure, energy, and intimacy.

2. Hormone Imbalance

Some men experience a condition called male hypogonadism, where the testicles fail to produce enough of the male sex hormone testosterone. Fatigue is one of the more common side effects, and this can translate into a lack of sexual energy. Once a man hits the late 30s, testosterone levels will naturally start to drop about 1% a year. By the age of 70, some men experience a 50% reduction in production levels. A physician can conduct a blood test to determine if your lack of sexual energy is related to a hormone imbalance, and testosterone replacement therapy in the form of patches, injection, implants, or topical gels can help increase sexual energy as testosterone levels rise.  Research supports the use of replacement therapy, with one study showing that men who relied on a form of replacement therapy for a year had improved libido, increased arousal, and twice as many erections as those in the study that did not receive the therapy.

3. Lifestyle Habits

Men with poor lifestyle habits can be sabotaging their overall health and sexual energy. A lack of sleep is a primary way to zap your energy, as too little sleep creates increased stress levels, delayed cognitive processing, and sustained feelings of fatigue or drowsiness. When you are mentally and physically tired, there is little energy left for sex. Sleeping aids, changing prescriptions, adjusting your diet, or reconfiguring your sleeping routine and environment can help promote more restful sleep patterns. A lack of regular exercise and the right nutritional supplements can also steal your energy, as many studies have shown diet and exercise to be natural energy boosters. Spend some time focusing on cardio or weight-bearing exercises to help develop more stamina and longer energy supply.

Don’t Ignore the Problem

It can be embarrassing or awkward to talk about your sex life, but if you fail to open up to your healthcare provider about the things you are experiencing, you may be avoiding much deeper problems. There are many serious health concerns that can affect your sex drive, such as diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and high cholesterol. Seeing your physician for a yearly check-up can help keep an eye on these crucial areas of health, but if you are experiencing symptoms that are worrisome, schedule an appointment. Not only do these conditions affect your sex life, but the medication that treats them can impact it as well. Your physician may need to modify a medication dose or change you to another treatment if the side effects are interfering with other areas of living.


Sex can and should be enjoyed throughout the different ages of life, and any problems that you experience should be discussed. Treatment options can help you get your desire and energy back, bringing back the magic to your bedroom.


Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight losspeptideserectile dysfunctionscream cream, and hair loss (NuDew) 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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