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Is Your Sexual Dysfunction a Mechanical or Mental Condition?

Is Your Sexual Dysfunction a Mechanical or Mental Condition?
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
5 years ago / 7 min read

Sex can be one of the most exhilarating activities in life, but it can also be one of the scariest. Those who suffer from genophobia have more than just a dislike or aversion to intimacy and intercourse. This is a condition that creates severe panic and intense fear whenever sexual intimacy is suggested or attempted. As it relates to men's sexual health, struggles with sexual performance or other psychological conditions can create this condition.

Related Fears and Phobias

There are two primary sexual fears, either genophobia and erotophobia. Even though some people use the terms interchangeably, they represent different areas of fear. The fear of the act of sex is genophobia, while fears that are more generally related sexuality are defined as erotophobia. Related areas of fear include the fear of getting a virus or disease from intercourse (nosophobia), fear of either being seen naked or seeing someone else naked (gymnophobia), a fear of the opposite sex (heterophobia), a fear touching others or being touched (haphenobia, and a fear of intercourse (coitophobia). The anxiety that can accompany these fears often prevents emotional closeness with another person, making it difficult to enjoy the intimacy that is often expressed through sexual activity.

Is It Phobia or Dysfunction?

You may have started out in your relationship without any fears or anxiety concerning your sexual experiences, but over time, things may have changed. There may be some occasions where you don’t want to be seen naked or are worried about being touched, but it could be that you are suffering from poor body image issues given recent weight gain. You might be afraid of intercourse because of problems with your erection or low libido. Suffering from a phobia is much different than simply being disinterested or nervous about something, and in the area of sex, a phobia presents more serious long-term interruptions. The intense fear you experience will cause both psychological and physical reactions that disrupt your ability to function normally. The reactions involved with phobias generally include: immediate panic or fear when thinking of or exposed to the phobia, an inability to minimize the fear, symptoms that grow worse when the phobia trigger isn't removed, physical body responses that include dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, sweating, or breathing issues when exposed to the trigger, and extreme avoidance of any situation that could create a fearful reaction.

Sexual Concerns

If your sexual concerns aren’t as severe as the symptoms listed, your problem may deal with the mechanical challenges of sex rather than a mental condition. It is completely normal for men to experiences highs and lows with their libido and their ability to get and sustain an erection. These occasional conditions where you can’t perform don’t often lead to a more permanent type of dysfunction and long-term mental condition involving a phobia. Severe trauma (whether physical or psychological) often paves the way for a phobic development, whereas physical health usually impacts a case of erectile dysfunction. In cases of erectile dysfunction (ED), a man isn’t able to sustain an erection hard enough for satisfaction. In most cases, this condition develops more severely as a man ages, as the reaction between arousal, stimulation, and satisfaction isn’t supported by the blood flow and muscle response needed for the physical response of the penis. Aging can weaken this response, but so can health conditions involving the heart, blood sugar levels, and weight.

Treating Your Sexual Conditions

When it comes to treating a condition like ED, your physician will want to find out what might be going on in your body that is affecting your erection abilities. It could be that an underlying medical concern needs to be treated before simply prescribing an ED medication. However, medications like Mt. Everest have been shown to be very effective at heightening the sense of arousal, improving blood flow to the penis, and creating more sensitivity to both stimulation and emotional feelings of pleasure. If your sexual condition is plagued by a phobia, you will need to visit with a sex therapist or engage in psychotherapy to help overcomes your fears. Some of the more common options to work past phobias include exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy. The underlying cause or the root source of your phobia will be addressed by a professional, making the treatment options specific to working through that need or area.


Your sex life will have its challenges, but you should never feel that your sexual problems are too embarrassing or not important enough to share with a physician or partner. Seeking help, whether it is a temporary dysfunction or a more deeply seated phobia, can restore physical closeness and emotional intimacy to your relationship.


Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight losspeptideserectile dysfunctionscream cream, and hair loss (NuDew) 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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