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If You’re Sexy and You Know It, Raise Your Hand

If You’re Sexy and You Know It, Raise Your Hand
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
5 years ago / 4 min read

Social culture has long played a part in the definition of sexy, and in the past, wearing tight-fitting clothes, a certain hair color, and lip color were all leading elements for women who wanted to be more than attractive. Fortunately, society has evolved to understand that being sexy isn’t just about physical appearance. A myriad of factors and personal opinions demonstrate that true sexiness is found within and registers in the eye of the beholder. Becoming more attractive and appealing can help your self-confidence, and it doesn’t take a life coach or a forgiving bank account to improve your chances in these areas. Take a look at these areas that can improve your sex appeal almost instantly.

1. Look Beyond Physical Attractiveness

Physical beauty has a role in sex appeal, but it isn’t the only factor. Being free to express your emotions or personality helps establish charisma and attracts healthy attention. Expressing optimism and positivity through a light step, upbeat attitude, smiling, and expressive eyes goes a long way with cultivating sex appeal.

2. Keep Eye Contact

When you are conversing with people, always make eye contact. While it goes a long way when communicating with your partner, looking others in the eye when interacting boosts your own confidence and radiates confidence and control to those you are speaking to. Women who appear as in control and knowing what they want are sexy to others.

3. Start Challenging Conversations

Women who are smart have the added benefit of using their conversation and reasoning skills to boost their sex appeal. Open new doors to conversations or dialogue through books, experiences, or a documentary on something intriguing. The more you learn and understand about the world around you, the more you can converse informally on a variety of levels. As you may have heard, smart is the new sexy.

4. Switch Up Your Style

Part of feeling sexy is looking sexy, and you may need to update your wardrobe or hairstyle in order to make more progress in this area. It is never wise to pretend to be someone you are not, as you want to feel comfortable in your own skin, but you can dress or style for the part you want. This includes feeling sexy. A lot of women find that wearing heels improves their self-confidence and highlights certain areas of their body better. A short, sporty hairstyle or a new color could create an edgy look that you can continually take to the office or your night out. Try something new and don’t be afraid to find out what looks good on you.

5. Take a Chill Pill

Taking the world around you too seriously is the fastest way to squash sex appeal and desirability. If you have a quick wit or the ability to laugh at yourself, let it show. Being too serious screams insecurity and it can quickly turn to sarcasm when you feel pressured to make a remark. Learn how to roll with the punches and develop a good, forgiving sense of humor.

6. Spice Up the Bedroom

Take your sex appeal into the bedroom. More than just a way to encourage women's sexual health, finding pleasure and satisfaction in the bedroom improves your feelings of appeal and desire. Slipping into something sexy for the day or playing your favorite empowering tunes can help set your mood and improve your desire once you get home.  If you have trouble getting to a point of satisfaction, either due to your partner or a mental hang-up, bring a product like Scream Cream to your sexual encounter to boost your libido, enhance your pleasure, and bring satisfaction. Physically experiencing the benefits of being sexy works wonders on your mental and emotional outlook once you leave the bedroom.

7. Increase Your Gym Time

This is such a tricky area for women, as being in a gym surrounded by onlookers who seem to be in better physical shape can be intimidating. However, studies show that the increased attention to physical health and the feelings of accomplishment that accompany the completion of a cycling class, time with a trainer, or a yoga class improves feelings of self-worth, achievement, and identity. Improving these areas and becoming more confident in the looks of your body can boost your sex appeal, as you aren’t hiding in a corner or afraid of judgment. Accept yourself unconditionally, but definitely take into account a need to be healthy and be concerned with self-care.


Any female can take advantage of these tips to improve sex appeal, whether old or young. Letting the world see that you love yourself will create a desire for others to love you and want to be in your social circle. Be confident in who you are and let people see what a treasure you are.


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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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