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How Your Diet Effects Your Testosterone Levels and Male Performance

How Your Diet Effects Your Testosterone Levels and Male Performance
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
4 years ago / 5 min read

There are few subjects of male health with more stigma attached to them than that of men's sexual health, but this is an unfair approach. As men age, instances of mild to moderate male performance difficulties become increasingly common with age brackets starting at 40 sharing a near-direct correlation between age and the percentage of men suffering occasional performance issues, so it is nothing to be embarrassed about. One of the biggest contributing factors to the increasing prevalence of performance difficulties as men age is the decrease in testosterone levels that also occurs as men age.

Testosterone and Male Performance

Our bodies are complex systems regulated by many different hormones that play major roles in determining how we develop and how we can perform. This is true in everything from mundane activities like going for a walk in the morning to more personal and intimate activities, like our performance in the bedroom. For men, testosterone is one of the most important hormones in your body and it is responsible for significant functionality of your body.

When growing up, testosterone plays a critical role during puberty, helping to influence the development and maturation of male sexual organs and productivity. Testosterone is also crucial in the development of your musculoskeletal system. From having strong bones to building large and powerful muscles, insufficient testosterone levels can lead to personal health struggles.

Your body's testosterone levels also play a key role in sexual performance. When an individual is suffering from low testosterone levels, it can lead to a decreased sex drive. Low testosterone can also lead to low sperm counts and correlate with erectile dysfunction. While ED may be embarrassing to talk about, it's a natural occurrence that grows more common with age. One way to combat it is to work on raising your testosterone levels, through dieting, testosterone-boosting activity, and medication when needed.

Foods That Increase Testosterone

Eating a healthier diet is an excellent way to boost your body's natural testosterone levels. The most basic way to improve your testosterone levels is to simply enjoy a healthy diet. In general, if you're making good decisions with what you consume on a daily basis, it will have a positive ripple effect through many of your body's internal systems, and that can include raising your testosterone levels and counteracting some of the negative effects of low testosterone.

If eating clean and healthy on its own is not providing the kind of results you are looking for when it comes to testosterone production, then you may want to add some foods specifically designed to boost testosterone levels. Many of the foods associated with higher testosterone levels are commonly used as aphrodisiacs, and if you find your testosterone levels are remaining low, then adding more of them to your diet can potentially help. Common foods associated with elevating testosterone levels include:

•      Beef

•      Eggs

•      Tuna

•      Shellfish

•      Whole milk, enriched with Vitamin-D

Foods That Decrease Testosterone

Just as there are some foods that have been shown to correlate with high testosterone levels, there are also foods that can have a debilitating effect on testosterone production. While individuals who are not suffering from low testosterone levels likely do not need to worry about the effect of their diets on their testosterone levels if they enjoy these foods due to the marginal effects, for individuals with low levels, changing these habits can help to restore levels that are closer to expected ranges. Potential problem foods for men with low testosterone that should only be consumed sparingly include:

•      Alcohol

•      Flaxseed and flaxseed oil

•      Mint

•      Processed foods

•      Soy products

•      Vegetable oils

In addition to making changes to your diet to improve your testosterone production, you can also consider medication or supplements, like Mt. Everest, to help boost your performance. Supplements are often the most effective way to increase your testosterone production and for individuals with low numbers may be the best option for restoring expected levels. Because testosterone plays such a big part in everything from the way you perform in intimate situations to your ability to handle intense physical exertion in your everyday life, finding the right treatment for your low testosterone levels can have a massive impact on your quality of life, changing it for the better.

If you or your partner is struggling with male performance issues, then low testosterone levels may be responsible. Making choices to help spur increased testosterone production can help to restore vitality and prevent future difficulties. You don't need to accept performance struggles as the new normal. By working to improve your testosterone levels you can turn back the clock on your body.


Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight losspeptideserectile dysfunctionscream cream, and hair loss (NuDew) 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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