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Life looks pretty different these days with health concerns related to Covid-19. In addition to the wellbeing of ourselves and our loved ones, we are also dealing with financial worries and social distancing. How do we decompress when we are so restricted on where we can go and what we can do outside our homes? Here are ten quick tips that can help you stay sane while sheltering in place.
Develop a Routine
With life being turned upside down, everyone's routine has been disrupted. This gives us an opportunity to create a new structure for our day-to-day life. Find what works best for you and stick with it. Some people find it helpful to set an alarm and get up and showered in the morning even if they don't have anywhere to go. If you love a good schedule don't let this quarantine derail you.
Get Moving
While you may not feel like exercising, it is critical to keeping your body and mind healthy. Even very basic movements can boost your mental state and keep your circulation going. If you don't want to throw your running shoes on and go for a jog, try a free YouTube video or hit the stairs in your home or your apartment complex. You don't have to have a serious sweat session to get the benefits of movement.
Head Outdoors
There is nothing quite like fresh air and a change of scenery. If you can combine your exercise routine and the great outdoors that is also a win-win. Take a walk around the block or around a nearby park or, if you're feeling adventurous, head to a local hiking trail or lake. Harvard research indicates that fresh air can improve your concentration, mood and vitamin D levels.
Feel Connected
Social distancing can be very isolating. Humans are relational beings and we need to feel connected. Sexual relations are a great way to increase connection and boost feel-good endorphins. If life in lockdown is feeling a bit stagnant, don't be afraid to try something new in the bedroom. Trying a new position or a new sex toy can add excitement to your love life. You can also incorporate things like Scream Cream to enhance the overall experience. Men's and women's sexual health are still important during the quarantine.
Reach Out
In addition to physical connection, make sure you don't neglect the need for emotional connection. Make time for phone calls, Facetime or Zoom meetings with family, friends and co-workers. Check-in with them and be honest about you. Share how you are really feeling and work together to keep each other's spirits up.
Sleep it Off
Even though you might be tempted to binge-watch your favorite TV shows all night long, resist the temptation and make good sleep a priority. Restful sleep is critical for clear thinking and emotional regulation. It also ensures your immune system is restored and performing at its peak.
Forget the Alcohol
While your instinct might be to pour yourself a glass of wine when you need to relax, think twice. The alcohol and high sugar levels in wine can depress your immune system and leave you feeling more depressed than you did before you took the drink.
Focus on the Positive
It's totally understandable if you are feeling frustrated and helpless. It makes sense that many of us are getting tired of this new normal. However, taking some time each day to practice gratitude can be a great way to reframe your feelings. Instead of dwelling on how hard it is to be cooped up with your family, try to be thankful that you have people around you to love on. You can even sit down with your kids and take turns thinking of the craziest things you're thankful for that you never thought you'd care about like having plenty of toilet paper.
Write it Down
One day we will look back on this crazy time in our lives and think how did I do it? Take a minute or two each day or week to jot down a sentence or two (or more) about how you are feeling and what you are doing each day. If you don't want to write it down, download a journal app for your phone. Type a little something each day so you can remember what this experience was like.
Just Breathe
Breathing is something we do without thinking about it, however, very few of us really breathe deep. Try a breathing exercise or two and see how you feel. Conscious breathing can be a great way to manage stress and practice relaxation and the best part is it is free and easy to do.
Adjusting to life in quarantine isn't easy. It can be extremely stressful and overwhelming. Your mental, emotional and physical health should be your priority. Use a bit of trial and error to see if these suggestions work for you.
Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight loss, peptides, erectile dysfunction, scream cream, and hair loss (NuDew)
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.