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Online Dating Tips - Nu Image Medical® Online TeleHealth

Online Dating Tips - Nu Image Medical® Online TeleHealth
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
4 years ago / 7 min read

In the digital age, there is a whole new approach to dating and finding love. The days of waiting for the phone to ring have been replaced with texting, sexting, instant messaging, video chatting, and the horrific idea that your interest will stalk your social media pages to find out about your pasts. You donât even have to leave your house to find a match, with apps and websites that will pair you with a potential match through personality tests, questionnaire answers, and personal interest. Navigating this form of dating can get complicated, in spite of how easy it looks, so here are the tips you need to for starting a new relationship through digital channels.

Guard Your Personal Information

Though you may have signed up to be matched through a dating app or you have found someone through a social media site, it is still important to keep tabs on your personal information. When you grant someone access to your social media profile, you are handing over the digital keys to your life. For most people, apps like Facebook or Instagram reveal details about your life. Your likes, your dislikes, your family relationships, your shopping happens, your dining choices, your friends, your work life, and so much more is available for a potential date to browse through. Talk about information overload. When you are communicating with a new match or romantic interest, wait a while before sending or accepting a friend request. Two or three dates into the relationship can give you a better sense of who you are sharing your information with, but it also gives them time to develop an interest in you for who you are rather than the persona you portray on Facebook.

Always Be Honest

There is increased awareness of the need to guard your personal information when you consider the prevalence of catfishing. With so many fakes and frauds scouring the digital dating world, it becomes very important for you and future matches that you are honest in what you present about who you are, what you look like, and what your accomplishments are. Digital dating leaves a lot to be desired when establishing rapport, since everything that you text or type are the words that will be used to establish a perception. Donât ruin a good match by lying or deceiving a potential match in order to make yourself look more likable.

Keep Your Dates Private

Even if you met your partner online, you need to be concerned about the information you reveal about your relationship online. Whether or not you have the same friends or have the same community, you should respect the otherâs privacy. Donât assume that is okay to tweet out the photo of the two of you are that swanky restaurant or sharing your selfies snuggling in bed. Oversharing can kill the trust in a relationship, just as can intruding on anotherâs privacy by making the situation all about you.

Donât Be Shy

A lot of people are comfortable with online or digital dating because they are allowed to hide back in the shadows. Shy people have a harder time making conversation or being vocal about things they like and want, especially when it comes to intimacy and physical affection. Getting a conversation going when you are separated by screens can be easy, particularly when getting flirty and dirty. Whether its menâs or women's sexual health, arousal and desire are normal even when you are not interacting face-to-face. Having the freedom to act on these desires or needs when you are together is a benefit of a strong relationship and can help develop greater intimacy. If your nerves get in the way of having a good time in bed and letting yourself enjoy pleasure, try using a product like Scream Cream to feel more satisfied and enjoy a more explosive orgasm.

Give Digital Dating a Deadline

Though COVID-19 has made digital dating and connecting more necessary, its important that you put a cap on how long you interact online. Simply messaging back and forth can cause a match or interest to become uninterested, so set limits on how you communicate. After several days of messaging, move into speaking over the phone. Start with short phone calls and see how naturally the conversation flows. Donât over-call or over-text, especially if you donât get a response. You can drive people away by making them feel overwhelmed or displaying neediness that is uncomfortable. If you get into a relationship that is exclusive or is moving that way, deactivate your online dating profiles and give your romantic interest your whole attention.


Dating in the digital age is leading to more relationships originating through dating apps and online match websites. The path to romance can get more complicated if you try too hard and ignore this great advice.


Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight loss, peptides, erectile dysfunction, scream cream, and hair loss (NuDew) 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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