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4 Questions Women Avoid Asking About Sex

4 Questions Women Avoid Asking About Sex
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
4 years ago / 6 min read

When it comes to the topic of sex, the current culture has done much to open up discussions about the topic and remove the stigma and taboo of a completely natural body process. Because the emotional, mental, and physical components of the intimate act can vary among individuals all over the world, there are no absolutes when it comes to making love. Couples engage in foreplay or intercourse based on their needs, desires, and physical abilities. When this happens, two bodies come together hoping to create excitement, passion, and satisfaction. However, working with the human body can be a little bit unpredictable, and sometimes, whatever happens, doesn’t meet your expectations.

Sex can be embarrassing and awkward at times, but you should never be too embarrassed to talk to your spouse, partner, or physician.  What you might think it just an awkward encounter or a bodily response could have more to do with women's sexual health than you realize. Here are some of the top embarrassing questions many females are afraid to voice.

1. Is there something wrong with me if I can never orgasm during sex?

In spite of what you may have learned about the birds and the bees from your parent, guardian, or friend during your development years, most of how you perceive or establish expectations for sex come from the media and entertainment industry. Most often, films show a woman having an orgasm after penetrative sex with some hot actor that everyone knows and loves. However, for many women, an orgasm will require more than just penetration, making it completely normal if you don’t orgasm. But, just because it can be normal doesn’t mean it should be the norm.

Most women will need clitoral stimulation if they are going to reach orgasm, and a straight shot in and out isn’t going to provide that sensation. Many forget that intercourse starts long before penetration, and women who aren’t being engaged in foreplay, whether physically or mentally) may require more time and attention during the act of sex in order to reach their height of satisfaction. You can improve your body’s response to stimulation through a product like Scream Cream, and you may want to consider adding a vibrator to your sexual encounter. Don’t simply blame it on your partner. Work together to create a solution, and it will be more enjoyable.

2. How do I tell my partner the ways to help me orgasm?

Admittedly, it can be awkward to try to give directions during sex, but if you can make it happen, it will be worth it. You aren’t going to sit them down and give them a lecture, but you can let them see you masturbate, describing what you do and showing them at the same time. Letting your partner touch you and feel your body’s response will probably quickly move past any awkwardness you might be feeling and bring you both into a more sexually charged encounter. You can also direct and guide their body during sex without having to say much other than moaning or groaning to indicate your pleasure. After a while, it will become more natural for your partner as they learn to read and understand your body’s sexual desires.

3. I like it hard, vigorous penetration, but can it break a penis?

Although a penis can break, it is not likely to happen because of a vigorous sex session. If there is a rapid blunt force to a penis that is erect, it is possible that a rupture of the penis can occur. You might think this would happen during intercourse, but medical reports show it more often causes by extremely rough and excessive masturbation. This is a painful condition that will need to be seen by a medical professional, so if your partner is complaining, don’t laugh and push it off. It should be checked out.

4. How do I go to normal if I have faked orgasms before and now feel like I should do it all the time?

The pressure to perform during sex can be brutal, especially if you are in a relationship that you really want to succeed. Sex should be enjoyed and satisfying without a mental demand to make things happen or prove things are good. If you have any faked it a few times, you haven’t really ruined your sex life. Most women are faking an orgasm because they are self-conscious about their body’s response to the sex. They don’t automatically think the partner is doing it wrong, but that they themselves must have something wrong. The best solution is to come clean and talk to your partner, showing your vulnerability and clearing the air of blame or hurt. If you have been faking things for years, you have probably formed a habit that needs to be broken. The problem with this is the potential lack of comparison for what a real orgasm and great sex might be. This is where the conversation needs to include help for your sex life and what both parties can do to make it pleasurable.


You shouldn’t feel embarrassed about your sex life unless it isn’t giving you what you need. Talking to your partner or a sex therapist can help you get back on track, bringing back the pleasure.


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This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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