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What is Moroccan Oil and What Does it Do?

What is Moroccan Oil and What Does it Do?
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
4 years ago / 8 min read

The world of hair care and beauty products is expansive and difficult to navigate. For every product that can provide you with fantastic results when used as directed, there are a dozen others making claims they can't back up when push comes to shove. With so much to choose from, it can be overwhelming trying to determine what products are worth trying and which ones are best passed on.

One of the best things you can find in a beauty product is versatility. When you have a product that is capable of helping you remain healthier and looking better in more ways than one, that's a can't miss opportunity to bolster your beautification regime. Moroccan oil is a hot choice for home care because it is helpful for both your hair and your skin. If you're interested in Moroccan oil and its value as a beauty line addition but aren't sure what the hype is about, here's all you need to know to correctly add it to your repertoire.

What is Moroccan Oil

Moroccan oil is sometimes used interchangeably as a name with argan oil, as both are harvested from the argan nut. As the name implies, the nuts are native to Morocco, and the extraction of oils is a multistep process. For starters, the fruits of an argan tree must be harvested and then dried out. Once dry, the nuts are extracted from the fruit. In order to effectively extract the oil, the nuts must first be cracked and then they are pressed to force out the oil. While this is a difficult process, the results are worth the effort as Moroccan oil is a fantastic beauty and healthcare product.

The Benefits of Using Moroccan Oil

If you've been hearing a lot about Moroccon oil lately, there are good reasons for that. The oil is an extremely versatile home beauty solution. There are many ways you can use Moroccan oil to make your skin and hair look and feel better. Here are just a few of the best benefits of using Moroccan oil:

•      Using Moroccan oil provides you with healthy omega fatty acids that keep you looking and feeling great.

•      The oil can help you to balance your pH levels which keeps your hair healthier. Healthy hair is not only stronger but looks better, too.

•      Applying Moroccan oil to your scalp can promote healthy skin, reducing flaking and unsightly dandruff.

•      Regular use of Moroccan oil helps your hair maintain a healthy and attractive shine.

•      Applying Moroccan oil to your skin on trouble areas, such as laugh lines, can have an anti-aging effect by helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

•      Moroccan oil can help as a supplement to colored hair, as it has the potential to allow for more even coloring of your dyed hair for a more consistent and natural look.

Getting Results with Moroccan Oil

Moroccan oil has a variety of healthy uses, ranging from simple beautification to more substantial uses like combatting hair loss. In order to get the most out of your Moroccan oil, however, you need to know the right ways to apply it. Here are the most common applications of Moroccan oil to help you get the best results from your next bottle:

•      As a skincare treatment, Moroccan oil is best applied in small doses. Apply some dots to the palm of your hand then rub your hands together to warm the oil and thin it out before gently massaging the oil onto the skin you are treating.

•      Following a hair washing, you should be sure to not apply the oil when your hair is still wet. Use a towel to pat dry your hair until it is only slightly damp, then apply the oil to your hair being careful to avoid your roots to avoid an oily appearance.

•      To use Moroccan oil on dry hair, apply it to the ends of your hair in the morning before styling. This helps give it a healthy appearance and can improve styling.

•      Moroccan oil can be used on curly hair as well, by first rubbing the oil in your palms before gently massaging the oil into your hair. This gentle application allows you to get the benefits of the oils without unnaturally straightening your hair if you don't wish to.

If you're looking for a new addition to your home skin and haircare arsenal, then Moroccan oil might just be the solution you're after. Its versatility makes it a must-have, whether you're struggling with dry skin, age lines or hair loss. Give it a try and see what Moroccan oil can do for you.


Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight losspeptideserectile dysfunctionscream cream, and hair loss (NuDew) 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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