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Now that Memorial Day has passed, pool season has officially started. As the weather turns warmer and school assignments have disappeared, you will find people spending time in the sun and cool water. Most avid swimmers recognize the extreme damage that chlorine will do to the hair over a period of time. For the average pool owner, the swimming season lasts through the summer and into September. This is a long time for your hair to be continually exposed to the harsh elements of chlorine.
The Damage Chlorine Can Do
Most people use chlorine to keep their pool water free from germs and bacteria, keeping the water safe without having to continually be replaced. Chlorine is yellow gas that can also be liquified when bonded to other molecules. In its earliest uses, it was an antiseptic, though the Germans weaponized it in a gas form during the first World War. There are several things that chlorine is used for today, though one of the most common is pool maintenance.
There are several properties in chlorine that make unsafe for continuous hair exposure. There are natural chemicals in your hair that negatively react to the harsh properties of chlorine. The hair shaft starts to dry out, leading to coarse, brittle hair strands that are easily prone to breakage. Excessive breakage leads to noticeable hair loss, as damaged follicles can’t quickly replace the strands that have fallen out. The cuticle is the outer shell that protects the interior core of the hair strand, and your hair is kept smooth and moisturized by a natural oil (sebum) produced by the scalp. The chlorine in pool water strips this oil from your hair, further compounding problems of dryness and cracking. Your hair also loses its shine and develops split ends.
Hair Care Tips Before Swimming
Since chlorine is a drying agent, swimmers need to take protective measures throughout the swimming season to prevent damage to their hair. There are several ways you can keep your hair from coming into contact with the chlorinated water, or when it does, protect it from damage.
Hair Care After Swimming
Though you may try a preventive strategy prior to your swim, you also need to take defensive actions after your time in a chlorinated pool. If you frequent a public pool, you will often find a shower system nearby with a sign advising you to rinse off before and after pool use. This is a great way to reduce residual chemicals from your hair and skin. The best thing for your hair is to wash it with lukewarm water then rinse it in cold water. This seals the cuticle. You can also try a clarifying shampoo, as these are formulated to strip chemicals out of hair, but these can be drying if used excessively. Carefully rinsing each swimming session and using a nourishing treatment at least once a week are the best treatments.
Don’t let swim season leave you with straggling, dry, unhealthy hair. Pay close attention to how your hair is responding to your swimming habits, being careful to protect it before and after each time in the water.
Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight loss, peptides, erectile dysfunction, scream cream, and hair loss (NuDew)
This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.