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Hair Care as a New Year’s Resolution

Hair Care as a New Year’s Resolution
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
Dr. Constance Odom, MD
5 years ago / 7 min read

As the new year grows closer, the most stressful part of planning for the New Year’s party isn’t generally who you are going to kiss at midnight but what you are going to put forth as a life-changing resolution. There is a lot of interest and hype concerning people’s secret desires for the new year, and in spite of prior failures in the department, many people still adamantly declare that going on a diet is their best shot at a better year. While a great idea at promoting health and a potentially better quality of life, perhaps this year you could give something else your attention. As it is just as important to appearance and in desperate need of good in nutrition, think about the condition of your hair.

Hair Care as a Big Business

One of the last comprehensive studies concerning the hair industry was conducted in 2016, and it the results showed that the global haircare market brought in an estimated $69 billion a year. Even more impressive is the projected increase in earnings and the climb to $87 billion annually by the year 2023. The year 2019 brought new interests in natural and organic hair products, with many consumers looking for products that are allergen-free or hypoallergenic, made without alcohol, and produced without product testing on animals. In addition to being environmentally friendly, many people seeking haircare products are desiring a more youthful appearance and tailoring their shopping preferences to shampoos, conditioners, and styling aids the will increase length, shine, and volume. However, what many people fail to realize is the direct impact that diet and lifestyle can have on a healthy head of hair. If you really want to put your hair first in the coming year, there are some bad habits that you are going to need to break.

1. Hanging on to Stress. Stress is known to wreak havoc throughout many bodily systems, but most people think only of the digestive system and psychological well-being. There have been several studies that have isolated stress as a significant driving force being dermatological problems like brittle nails, acne, or hair shedding and balding. Removing stress from your life can be done in many ways, but stress-busting exercises can help improve your circulatory system, which helps improve the oxygen and nutrient-rich blood flow that your hair follicles need. You can also try meditation or deep breathing practices to wean stress out of your life.

2. Eating Haphazardly. Like every other area of your body, hair follicles rely on a steady stream of nutrients to keep your hair looking healthy and strong. If you feed your body junk food, your hair is going to fall in disrepair along with the rest of your body. In addition to consuming natural foods that contain high amounts of iron, vitamin E, and protein in your diet, you also need a variety of trace minerals like copper and zinc. If you tend to use crash or fad diets to help bring an unhealthy weight under control, you are creating nutritional voids that can cause thinning, dulling, and breakage with your hair.

3. Depending on Hair Styling Tools. Everyone wants the perfect hairstyle, but continually using heating elements to flatten or curl your hair can lead to long term damage to your hair. A study back in 2011 studied the results of using a hairdryer over time, and the conclusion was that it can cause more surface damage when compared to the option to blow dry it. However, the further away you hold the blow dryer, such as a distance of 15 centimeters, and drying your hair in a continuous motion does the less damage. The best thing to do is give your hair a break every now and then and let it heal from any damage that is being caused by your styling routine.

4. Relying on Chemically-infused Products. Using hair dye continually can cause your hair to thin and fall out. Things like hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, and DHT are harmful chemicals that can be found in shampoos that can contribute to your loss of hair. There are some chemical products that are good for your hair, especially when you are facing a problem with hair loss. The right chemicals can work to help your hair follicles rejuvenate from their period of rest and produce new hair in areas that need it. However, unless you are using chemicals productively with your hair, you are at risk of weakening the hair, causing a scalp infection, and creating permanent damage. Try to find natural or herbal products that you can use to rehydrate and nurture your hair.


These four areas provide some simple ways to make changes to your hair routine and protect your mane. If you need more incentive, consider your past failures with dieting as a resolution and change up the game a bit.


Nu Image Medical® offers a new and futuristic approach to achieving optimal health and wellness. The company has been a weight loss, anti-aging and wellness provider since 2004 and offers medically supervised programs for medical weight losspeptideserectile dysfunctionscream cream, and hair loss (NuDew) 

This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The information contained herein is not a substitute for and should never be relied upon for professional medical advice. Always talk to your physician about the risks and benefits of any treatment. Nu Image Medical may not offer the medications or services mentioned in this article.

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