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Rice Diet: Is It Good For Weight Loss?

Rice Diet: Is It Good For Weight Loss?
Dr. Constance Odom, MD Picture of Dr. Constance Odom, MD

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Last Edited 7 min read

Few diets are guaranteed to work. Every diet has different requirements and varying degrees of restrictions. The rice diet is yet another diet that promises great results. However, the question remains: does it really work?

According to WebMD, the rice diet is almost guaranteed to result in weight loss. The reason for this is that you are only allowed to eat a small number of calories. However, those who are on this diet may find that they no longer enjoy eating, because your choice of foods on this diet is highly restrictive. 

Although rice is part of this diet’s name, the diet itself does not focus solely on rice. The diet was invented in 1939, but it wasn’t until recently that it found renewed popularity. People began to notice the diet “when “The Rice Diet Solution” was published.

How does the Rice Diet work? According to experts, the rice diet works, because it forces you to significantly reduce the number of calories you consume. Additionally, it reduces your protein, sugar, and fat consumption. The rice diet is essentially an eating plan that helps you to clean and detox your body. 

Proponents of this diet say that you don’t feel hungry, despite the harsh calorie restriction. The rice diet typically causes men to lose a total of 30 pounds and causes women to lose a total of 20 pounds during their first month of the diet, according to the book, The Rice Diet.

This diet focuses on fruits and vegetables, beans that are low in salt, lean proteins, and whole grains. The rice diet takes a three-phase approach, allowing you to eat only 800 calories per day. Each day, you are allowed to have fruits, nonfat dairy, vegetables, and starch. You gradually increase your calorie intake each day, until you are finally consuming 1,200 calories per day.

However, there is one thing that is a problem for many people. This diet does not allow you to drink alcohol. This diet is very difficult, because you must gradually reduce your calorie intake to the point that you are consuming only a small number of calories. You severely limit the amount of sugar and salt you consume all at the same time.   

 All of your food portions are decreased, and you must now rely on beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for energy and nourishment. These foods make you feel full. However, portion sizes are reduced to the point that you must rely on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to feel full and have energy. 

The problem with the rice diet is that it can cause nutrient deficiencies. You won’t get enough Vitamin K or calcium on this diet, so a vast majority of people need to take supplements to make up for this loss of nutrition. Additionally, this diet does not provide adequate amounts of protein for proper functioning. 

Those with preexisting medical conditions should check with a doctor before starting this diet, because it could potentially interfere with their condition. Those on the rice diet are allowed only a few enjoyable things each day. You can have one starch per day. You can have one third of a cup of pasta. You can also have other grains. 

The diet permits you to have one piece of bread or one quarter to a whole cup of cereal. Bear in mind that the cereal should not be low in salt, and you can have one cup of dairy per day. When it comes to dairy, you can have fortified grain milk, nonfat soy, yogurt, or cow’s milk. 

The rice diet is a diet in which you eat a lot of carbohydrates and is low in protein and fat. This diet is all about creating a calorie deficit through the reduction of sodium, while promoting weight loss. While some people say the rice diet is effective, there are some hidden dangers to be aware of. This diet can cause your heart to decrease in size.

There is also the potential to develop retinopathy, a condition that can lead to blindness, if left undiagnosed. However, it can take years for this condition to develop into blindness. Another problem with the rice diet is that it can affect serum cholesterol levels and may actually affect your triglycerides and lipoproteins.

 Although the rice diet comes with some dangers, it also comes with a number of benefits. According to Medical News Today, the rice diet can help you drop weight quickly and relatively safely. It all depends on the way you look at it and what you’re willing to sacrifice.

Some experts say this diet can help you find mental clarity and give you increased energy. This diet allows you to lose weight from overeating and water weight as well. High fiber foods on this diet keep you full and promote a healthy digestive system. The rice diet requires that you limit the number of processed foods you consume and implement healthy lifestyle changes.

It is essential to exercise on this diet, because it causes you to burn calories. Some people experience improved health, because your sodium consumption is limited on this diet. But how exactly do you implement the rice diet? 

This diet consists of rice and fruit. You can consume as many as 2,000 calories per day with this diet. The rice diet requires you to make a number of dietary changes. Four to five percent of your daily diet is supposed to come from protein.

You can have only 150 milligrams of salt per day, and two to three percent of your daily calories come from fat. This diet also requires that you limit your consumption of fluids, so you are essentially left with only a certain number of foods to eat. This diet comes with three phases. 

The first phase is the detox phase. During phase one you must follow the rice diet for one day each week. This means that you can have two fruits and two starches at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You have a number of rules to follow for the next six days. During these six days, you can have one fruit, one starch, and one nonfat dairy item.

Lunch is slightly different. For lunch you can have one fruit, three vegetables, and three starches. At this stage in the game, dinner consists of three vegetables, one fruit, and three starches. Breakfasts may include such items as prunes, nonfat yogurt, and one quarter to a full cup of whole grain cereal. 

Phase two is the weight loss phase. The length of this phase will ultimately depend on how much weight you want to lose. This phase should be paired with regular exercise, if you want to lose three and a half pounds per week. For one day each week, you are limited to eating two starches at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

You must go on a lacto-vegetarian rice diet. This means that you can eat one nonfat dairy item, one fruit, and one starch for breakfast. For lunch you must eat one fruit, three vegetables, and three starches. For dinner you must eat one fruit, three vegetables, and three starches. One week of this diet should focus on protein, and you should increase your calorie intake by 200 calories. 

Rice, beans, and tomato sauce should be consumed during this phase. In addition, you can consume foods, such as balsamic vinegar and mandarin orange salad. Five days of lunch during this phase may consist of cooked rice, cooked beans, and pasta. Bear in mind that this diet requires intense discipline, so you must be very dedicated.

Phase three is the maintenance phase. At this point, your goal is to maintain the weight you’ve lost. Experts assert that sticking to this diet ultimately leads to long-term success and weight maintenance. However, experts also suggest adding in some of the foods you were not allowed on the rice diet. At this point, you may want to add in healthy fats, such as fish, avocado, nuts, or dairy. 

There are a number of foods you can eat to help you maintain your weight loss. These include garlic red skin potatoes, flounder, southwestern corn, creamed spinach, and oranges. Ideally, you want to eat healthy foods and avoid sugary foods that can derail your diet efforts. 

Clementines and spinach are also great foods to help you maintain your weight after you go off this diet. If you’re not sure if this diet is right for you, consider your lifestyle. Figure out whether making these dietary changes is feasible for you.

Some people need certain foods to function properly. For example, one person may need a lot of carbohydrates to maintain energy, while another person may need a lot of protein to function properly. It’s important to take this into consideration if you want to try the rice diet. Meals are strict, and your food options are limited.

However, it is important to incorporate the right foods to meet your needs. Pregnant women, for example, should not eat fish. However, most people find success on this diet.



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